One Minute of Dance a Day, at TNOC Summit

Nadia Vadori-Gauthier, Paris. 
3 September 2019

Art, Science, Action: Green Cities Re-imagined

One of the One Minute of Dance a Day project. This dance was performed on the Sorbonne campus during the TNOC Summit, outside the main auditorium venue. Beats by 3’z. There are over 700 dances, and you can search them by Paris neighborhood, site type, nature element, and more.

12h03, Sorbonne Université, Paris 5e. Une danse avec 3’z lors du colloque international « Nature of Cities », pour des villes vertes et colaboratives.
12:03 p.m., Sorbonne University, Paris 5th. Dancing with 3’z at the « Nature of Cities » summit, to propel a movement for collaborative green cities.
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Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Nadia Vadori-Gauthier, artist, PhD (Esthetics, Université Paris-8), Body-Mind Centering® Teacher. Trained in dance, theater, and visual art, specialist in movement practices. Her current research subjects, based on the implementation of a theoretical-practical continuum, concern different thresholds of perception and representation in the creative process, with the goal of producing an art that maintains its connection with life and establishes new collective arrangements between artists, spectators, and environments. Since January 2015, she has been running a daily performance art project: One Minute of Dance a Day.

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