Welcome to the Forum for Radical Imagination on Environmental Cultures (FRIEC), a place to imagine and build cities that nurture humanity’s relationships with urban nature, through art and creative, cross-culture, cross-discipline collaboration. All of our projects try to fold art, science, and practice into unified collaborations.
See also our other projects, including: Art-Science-Practice Residencies (a project with the US Forest Service), Fiction, Poetry, and Graffiti. We also launched in June 2023 a comics series on Nature-Based Solutions.
Interested in joining the FRIEC urban artist collective?
Write us here: [email protected]
What is FRIEC?
We are a place for radical imagination
about what cities could be,
where artists and practitioners of all backgrounds
can come together to:
collaborate with each other,
cities, and nature
challenge the framework
of established knowledge
allow new ideas for sustaining cities
across disciplines, species, and ways of knowing
imagine collaborative movements for livable,
resilient, healthy, poetic cities and regions
in partnership with nature
FRIEC Exhibitions
Enjoy our latest exhibitions, featuring virtual and physical artistic collaborations across all borders.
Carmen Bouyer — Les savoirs vivent dans la terre // Knowledge is in the land
Shade in the City
Rising Heat Inequity in a Sunburnt Era -
Nikki Lindt—The Underground Sound Project
Nikki Lindt—If The Trees Speak to Us, How Will We Reply?
The State We’re in Water: Constructing a Sense of Place in the Hydrosphere
Hidden Flows — photographers uncover the invisible flows in African cities
NYC Urban Field Station—Who Takes Care of New York?
Emilio Fantin—Dreams of Trees
Katrine Claassens—Love Letters to the Muted World
Typhoon Queens—The Multicultural Life of Clouds & Rain
FRIEC Collaborative Projects
Our work spans genres from poetry to comics, while also dancing often with folks in the sciences and governmental organizations.
This latest issue includes works that interrogate the modes of engaging with others in (urban and natural) space that can speak to the interrelated dimensions of care.
26 Visions for Urban Equity, Inclusion and Opportunity
Now a global project with over ONE MILLION readers, we invite comic creators from all over the world to imagine comics about how people and nature might thrive together. Nature-based Solutions (NBS) Comics empowers creators to combine science and storytelling.
Reviews & Reactions
Surveying diverse ecological arts practices in cities and cultures around the world.
LEAF Episodes
In each episode, three artists from the FRIEC collective share their work in a themed discussion.
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