Meet the Authors

Art, Science, Action: Green Cities Re-imagined

We are over 650 contributors from around the world, all passionate about understanding cities as ecosystems and human habitat, with urban nature and its importance for people at the center of urban design for resilience, sustainability, livability, and justice.

Urban social-ecology and design, indeed urban life, is fundamentally multidimensional, and we are a diverse group, including ecologists, sociologists, architects, designers, leaders of NGO’s, city managers, gardeners, professors, activists, artists, entrepreneurs, and writers. Explore the list below to see who we are and where we live.

* A redesigned contributor page is coming soon. In the meantime, you can look for TNOC contributors at the SEARCH page…

Yeang, Ken

Ken Yeang
City: Kuala Lumpur

Bolter, Keren

Keren Bolter
City: Fort Lauderdale

Ross, Kerry

Kerry Ross
City: Calgary

Lunzalu, Kevin

Kevin Lunzalu
City: Nairobi

Sloan, Kevin

Kevin Sloan
City: Dallas-Fort Worth

Songer, Kevin

Kevin Songer
City: Jacksonville

Snyder, Kimberly

Kimberly Snyder
City: Ithaca

Manià, Kirby

Kirby Manià
City: Vancouver

Deitschman, Kirk

Kirk Deitschman
City: Waimānalo

Schwarz, Kirsten

Kirsten Schwarz
City: Los Angeles

Connolly, Kitty

Kitty Connolly
City: Los Angeles

Warner, Koko

Koko Warner
City: Bonn

Hill, Kristina

Kristina Hill
City: Berkeley

Reynolds, Kristin

Kristin Reynolds
City: New York City

Mack, Krystal C.

Krystal C. Mack
City: Baltimore

Ward, Kumara

Kumara Ward
City: Sydney

Keith, Ladd

Ladd Keith
City: Tucson

Biaz, Lamiaa

Lamiaa Biaz
City: Paris

Gunderson, Lance

Lance Gunderson
City: Atlanta

Eva Bustamante, Lara

Lara Eva Bustamante
City: Buenos Aires

Costadone, Laura

Laura Costadone
City: Norfolk

Bandara, Laura

Laura Bandara
City: Salt Lake City

Booth, Laura

Laura Booth
City: San Francisco

Cole, Laura

Laura Cole
City: Columbia, MO

Costadone, Laura

Laura Costadone
City: Norfolk

Landau, Laura

Laura Landau
City: New York

Mumaw, Laura

Laura Mumaw
City: Melbourne

Shillington, Laura

Laura Shillington
City: Montreal

Spinadel, Laura

Laura Spinadel
City: Vienna

Tremblay, Laure-Lou

Laure-Lou Tremblay
City: Brussels

Smalls-Mantey, Lauren

Lauren Smalls-Mantey
City: New York

Olvitt, Lausanne

Lausanne Olvitt
City: Grahamstown

Thorpe, Leah

Leah Thorpe
City: Singapore

Schwab, Lea

Lea Schwab
City: Aachen

Marritz, Leda

Leda Marritz
City: San Francisco

Gorissen, Leen

Leen Gorissen
City: Antwerp

Mannetti, Lelani

Lelani Mannetti
City: Atlanta

Chan, Lena

Lena Chan
City: Singapore

Vollmann, Leoni

Leoni Vollmann
City: Brussels

Fischer, Leonie

Leonie Fischer
City: Berlin

Rangel, Leon

Leon Rangel
City: São Paulo

Firbank, Les

Les Firbank
City: Leeds

Lokko, Lesley

Lesley Lokko
City: Johannesburg

Gauthier, Leslie

Leslie Gauthier
City: New York

McLees, Leslie

Leslie McLees
City: Eugene

Ryan, Leslie

Leslie Ryan
City: Santa Cruz

Vorraber, Leslie

Leslie Vorraber
City: Buenos Aires

Biggs, Lewis

Lewis Biggs
City: Shanghai

Jansen, Liana

Liana Jansen
City: Cape Town

Beida, Lidiya

Lidiya Beida
City: Toronto