Meet the Authors

Art, Science, Action: Green Cities Re-imagined

We are over 650 contributors from around the world, all passionate about understanding cities as ecosystems and human habitat, with urban nature and its importance for people at the center of urban design for resilience, sustainability, livability, and justice.

Urban social-ecology and design, indeed urban life, is fundamentally multidimensional, and we are a diverse group, including ecologists, sociologists, architects, designers, leaders of NGO’s, city managers, gardeners, professors, activists, artists, entrepreneurs, and writers. Explore the list below to see who we are and where we live.

* A redesigned contributor page is coming soon. In the meantime, you can look for TNOC contributors at the SEARCH page…

Bekessy, Sarah

Sarah Bekessy
City: Melbourne

Bergmann, Sarah

Sarah Bergmann
City: Seattle

Bradley, Sarah

Sarah Bradley
City: Montreal

Charlop-Powers, Sarah

Sarah Charlop-Powers
City: New York

Dooling, Sarah

Sarah Dooling
City: Austin/Boston

Friedland, Sarah Ema

Sarah Ema Friedland
City: New York City

Hines, Sarah

Sarah Hines
City: Washington

Hinners, Sarah

Sarah Hinners
City: Salt Lake City

Lindley, Sarah

Sarah Lindley
City: Manchester

Meerow, Sara

Sara Meerow
City: Tempe

Silva, Sara

Sara Silva
City: Lisbon

Moosavi, Sareh

Sareh Moosavi
City: Brussels

Cilliers, Sarel

Sarel Cilliers
City: Potchefstroom

Alcántara, Saul

City: Mexico City

Kellogg, Scott

Scott Kellogg
City: Albany

MacIvor, Scott

Scott MacIvor
City: Toronto

Martin, Scott

Scott Martin
City: Louisville

Spencer, Scot

Scot Spencer
City: Baltimore

Southey, Sean

Sean Southey
City: New York

Miguel, Sebastian

Sebastian Miguel
City: Buenos Aires

Mundoli, Seema

Seema Mundoli
City: Bangalore

Samson, Semakula

Semakula Samson
City: Entebbe

Magle, Seth

Seth Magle
City: Chicago

Schindler, Seth

Seth Schindler
City: Sheffield

Singhal, Shaleen

Shaleen Singhal
City: New Delhi

Mc Guinness, Shane

Shane Mc Guinness
City: Dublin

Wheeler, Shannon

Shannon Wheeler
City: Portland

Van Sluys, Shawn

Shawn Van Sluys
City: Guelph

Foster, Sheila

Sheila Foster
City: Washington, DC

McCann, Shibeal

Shibeal McCann
City: Dublin

Liu, Shih-Tsen Nike

Shih-Tsen Nike Liu
City: Taichung City

Mwaniga, Shillah

Shillah Mwaniga
City: Nairobi

Verma, Shruti

City: Mumbai

Lwasa, Shuaib

Shuaib Lwasa
City: Kampala

Moxon, Siân

Siân Moxon
City: London

Joag, Sidd

City: New York City

Quarta, Silvia

Silvia Quarta
City: Murcia

Caputo, Silvio

Silvio Caputo
City: Portsmouth

Gresset, Simon

Simon Gresset
City: Freiburg

Borelli, Simone

Simone Borelli
City: Rome

Read, Simon

Simon Read
City: London

Murphy, Sinead

Sinead Murphy
City: Vancouver

McQuaid, Siobhán

Siobhán McQuaid
City: Dublin

Bayer, Skylar R.

Skylar R. Bayer
City: Anchorage

Sigurdsson, Snorri

Snorri Sigurdsson
City: Reykjavík

Sachdeva, Sonya

Sonya Sachdeva
City: Chicago

Torres, Sophia

Sophia Torres
City: Barcelona

Lokatis, Sophie

Sophie Lokatis
City: Berlin

Plitt, Sophie

Sophie Plitt
City: New York

Shava, Soul

Soul Shava
City: Johannesburg