Meet the Authors

Many voices. Greener cities. Better cities.

We are over 650 contributors from around the world, all passionate about understanding cities as ecosystems and human habitat, with urban nature and its importance for people at the center of urban design for resilience, sustainability, livability, and justice.

Urban social-ecology and design, indeed urban life, is fundamentally multidimensional, and we are a diverse group, including ecologists, sociologists, architects, designers, leaders of NGO’s, city managers, gardeners, professors, activists, artists, entrepreneurs, and writers. Explore the list below to see who we are and where we live.

* A redesigned contributor page is coming soon. In the meantime, you can look for TNOC contributors at the SEARCH page…

Dreiseitl, Herbert

Herbert Dreiseitl
City: Überlingen

Inwood, Hilary

Hilary Inwood
City: Toronto

Unnikrishnan, Hita

Hita Unnikrishnan
City: Warwick

P, Hopeland

Hopeland P
City: Tamil Nadu

Hsueh, Cheng-Luen

Cheng-Luen Hsueh
City: Tainan

Shaka, Huda

Huda Shaka
City: Dubai

Johnson, Hugh

Hugh Johnson
City: Philadelphia

Douglas, Ian

Ian Douglas
City: Manchester

MacGregor-Fors, Ian

Ian MacGregor-Fors
City: Xalapa

Shears, Ian

Ian Shears
City: Melbourne

Wallee, Ibrahim

Ibrahim Wallee
City: Accra

Mbengo, Idah

Idah Mbengo
City: Harare

Pevec, Illène

Illène Pevec
City: Basalt, CO

Kowarik, Ingo

Ingo Kowarik
City: Berlin

Coetzee, Ingrid

Ingrid Coetzee
City: Cape Town

McKinnon, Innisfree

Innisfree McKinnon
City: Menomonie

Biris, Ioana

Ioana Biris
City: Amsterdam

Guida, Irene

Irene Guida
City: Venice

Mugumbule, Isaac

Isaac Mugumbule
City: Kampala

Anguelovski, Isabelle

Isabelle Michele Sophie Anguelovski
City: Barcelona

Mahmoud, Israa

Israa Mahmoud
City: Milan

Gajos, Ivan

Ivan Gajos
City: Manchester

Greco, Iván

Iván Greco
City: Buenos Aires

Zwierzchowska, Iwona

Iwona Zwierzchowska
City: Poznań

Maher, Jack

Jack Maher
City: Beijing

Travis, Jack

Jack Travis
City: New York City

Davis-Manigaulte, Jacqueline

Jacqueline Davis-Manigaulte
City: New York City

Jackson, Jaime

Jaime Jackson
City: Birmingham/West Midlands

Nussbaum, Jake

Jake Nussbaum
City: Philadelphia

Makhzoumi, Jala

Jala Makhzoumi
City: Beirut

Bonner, James

James Bonner
City: Glasgow

Connolly, James

James Connolly
City: Barcelona

Duncan, James

James Duncan
City: Miami

Fitzsimons, James

James Fitzsimons
City: Melbourne

Steenberg, James

James Steenberg
City: Toronto

Saunders, Jamie

Jamie Saunders
City: Leeds

Archer, Jan-Michael

Jan-Michael Archer
City: Gainesville

Söderlund, Jana

Jana Söderlund
City: Perth

Battersby, Jane

Jane Battersby
City: Cape Town

Houghton, Jane

Jane Houghton
City: York

Engelstad, Janeil

Janeil Engelstad
City: Tacoma

Ingram Allen, Jane

Jane Ingram Allen
City: Santa Rosa

Dyment, Janet

Janet Dyment
City: Hobart

Toner, Jane

Jane Toner
City: Melbourne

Astbury, Janice

Janice Astbury
City: Buenos Aires

Kowalski, Janina

Janina Kowalski
City: Toronto


City: Faridabad

Mysiak, Jaroslav

Jaroslav Mysiak
City: Venice

King, Jason

Jason King
City: Portland

Schupbach, Jason

Jason Schupbach
City: Washington