Roundtable Archive

Art, Science, Action: Green Cities Re-imagined

Regularly, we feature a virtual Roundtable (no live component) in which a group responds to a specific question on The Nature of Cities. Check out the responses and join the conversation.


12 February 2025

Concrete steps with a metal handrail leading down to a waterway. Green foliage is growing over the steps covering about half of them. At the bottom the water can be glimpsed through thick foliage.
What does the more-than-human city look like?
Ferne Edwards,  Barcelona |  Lucia Alexandra Popartan,  Girona |  Ida Nilstad Pettersen,  Trondheim |  Lily Fillwalk,  New Brunswick |  Audax M. Gawler,  Victoria |  İdil Gaziulusoy,  Espoo |  Giulia Gualtieri,  Almere |  Gloria Lauterbach,  Espoo |  Saba Mirzahosseini,  Turin |  Clare Qualmann,  London |  Trophica Lab,  Bogotá D.C. |  Aylin Yildirim Tschoepe,  Basel | 

16 January 2025

The EU Nature Restoration Law is here. Do we have what it takes to make it work?
Bettina Wilk,  Bilbao |  John Warren Tamor,  Bonn |  Evelyn Underwood,  Brussels |  Laure-Lou Tremblay,  Brussels |  Ferenc Albert Szigeti,  Budapest |  Adeline Rochet,  Brussels |  Martin Grisel,  The Hague |  Federica Risi,  The Hague |  Silvia Quarta,  Murcia |  Christos Papachristou,  Dublin |  Anne-Sophie Mulier,  Brussels |  Shane McGuinness,  Dublin |  Goksen Sahin,  Brussels |  Philipp LaHaela-Walter,  Freiburg |  Gitty Korsuize,  Utrecht |  Valerie Kapos,  Cambridge |  Chris McOwen,  Cambridge |  John Tayleur,  Cambridge |  Opi Outhwaite,  Cambridge |  Niki Frantzeskaki,  Utrecht |  João Dinis,  Cascais City |  Marta Delas,  Madrid |  Jordi Cortina-Segarra,  Alicante |  Humberto Delgado Rosa,  Brussels |  Roby Biwer,  Luxembourg |  Marta Mansanet Cánovas,  Luxembourg |  Heather Brooks,  Brussels |  Carlo Calfapietra,  Porano |  Chiara Baldacchini,  Viterbo |  Bogdan Micu,  Bucharest |  Liviu Bailesteanu,  Bucharest | 

9 December 2024

What can Nature-based Solutions and sustainability professionals learn from cultural institutions such as museums and botanical gardens? How can the synergies benefit both NbS and cultural institutions?
David Maddox,  New York |  Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Edith de Guzman,  Los Angeles |  Lisa Fitzsimons,  Dublin |  Todd Forest,  New York |  Paola Lepori,  Brussels |  Eleanor Ratcliffe,  Surrey |  Susannah Drake,  New York City |  Daniela Rizzi,  Freiburg |  Meriem Bouamrane,  Paris |  Thijs Biersteker,  Paris |  Jan Chwedczuk,  Warsaw |  Xavier Cortada,  Miami |  Anna Cudny,  Warsaw |  Jolly de Guzman,  Los Angeles |  Artur Jerzy Filip,  Warsaw |  Ewa Iwaszuk,  Berlin |  Terry Hartig,  Uppsala |  Magda Maciąg,  Warsaw |  Baixo Ribeiro,  São Paulo |  David Skelly,  New Haven |  Ulrike Sturm,  Berlin |  Thalia Tsaknia,  Pallini |  Bettina Wilk,  Bilbao |  Birgitta Gatersleben,  Surrey | 

15 November 2024

A picture of glowing lanterns of colorful animals
Whimsy. Is there a role for laughter, subversive curve balls, ironic romance and “oh wow that’s cool” moments in the mainstreaming of knowledge and action in sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity?
Molly Anderson,  Cape Town |  Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Emmalee Barnett,  Spokane |  Nic Bennett,  Austin |  James Bonner,  Glasgow |  Tam Dean Burn,  Glasgow |  Bill McGuire,  Glasgow |  Ian Douglas,  Manchester |  Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Lisa Fitzsimons,  Dublin |  Chris Fremantle,  Ayrshire, Scotland |  Elizabeth Frickey,  New York City |  Tony Kendle,  Saint Austell |  Gareth Kennedy,  Dublin |  David Maddox,  New York |  Rob McDonald,  Basel |  Gareth Moore-Jones,  Ohope Beach |  Richard Scott,  Liverpool |  Hita Unnikrishnan,  Warwick |  Ania Upstill,  New York |  Wendy Wischer,  Connecticut |  Claudia Misteli,  Barcelona |  Alastair McIntosh,  Glasgow | 

10 December 2023

An aerial view of an oxbow river with many natural twists and turns
The goal is to mainstream Nature-based Solutions, by widening public acceptance and making it the standard and default practice of urban design. What will it take to get there?
James Bonner,  Glasgow |  Harriet Bulkeley,  Durham |  Tam Dean Burn,  Glasgow |  Stuart Connop,  London |  Bryce Corlett,  Norfolk |  Laura Costadone,  Norfolk |  Olukayode Daramola,  Preston |  McKenna Davis,  Berlin |  Gillian Dick,  Glasgow |  Loan Diep,  New York City |  Niki Frantzeskaki,  Utrecht |  Zbigniew Grabowski,  Hartford |  Perrine Hamel,  Singapore |  Mariem EL Harrak,  Paris |  Cecilia Herzog,  Rio de Janeiro |  Nadja Kabisch,  Hannover |  Doris Knoblauch,  Berlin |  Frédéric Lemaître,  Paris |  Paola Lepori,  Brussels |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  David Maddox,  New York |  Israa Mahmoud,  Milan |  Timon McPhearson,  New York |  Seema Mundoli,  Bangalore |  Harini Nagendra,  Bangalore |  Caroline Nash,  London |  Neville Owen,  Melbourne |  Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman,  College Park |  Eleanor Ratcliffe,  Surrey |  Kassia Rudd,  Freiburg |  Valentine Seymour,  Surrey |  David Simon,  London |  Takemi Sugiyama,  Melbourne |  Morro Touray,  Surrey |  Ibrahim Wallee,  Accra | 

26 November 2023

Plaidoyer for Transdisciplinarity, Local Agency, and Creative Co-Creation in Horizon Europe and the New European Bauhaus
Mariana Dias Baptista,  Sheffield |  Nathalie Blanc,  Paris |  Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Paul Currie,  Cape Town |  Małgorzata Ćwikła,  Freiburg |  Marta Delas,  Madrid |  Marthe Derkzen,  Arnhem/Nijmegen |  Tom Grey,  Dublin |  Gitty Korsuize,  Utrecht |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  David Maddox,  New York |  Geovana Mercado,  Malmö |  Pascal Moret,  Paris |  Peter Morgan-Wells,  Devon |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Daniela Rizzi,  Freiburg |  Mary Rowe,  Toronto |  Sean Southey,  New York |  Chantal van Ham,  Brussels |  Tom Wild,  Sheffield |  Dimitra Xidous,  Dublin | 

31 July 2023

Story. Telling. If you had a project from science or practice and wanted to make it a better story — one that could reach into new audiences — what would you do?
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  Marcus Collier,  Dublin |  Paul Currie,  Cape Town |  Bram Gunther,  New York |  Madhusudan Katti,  Raleigh |  Claudia Misteli,  Barcelona |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Ania Upstill,  New York |  Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro,  Paris |  Ibrahim Wallee,  Accra |  Skylar R. Bayer,  Anchorage |  Priya Shukla,  Davis |  Bethann Garramon Merkle,  Laramie |  Evelyn Valdez-Ward,  Kingston |  Nic Bennett,  Austin |  Tim Lüschen,  Berlin |  Daniela Rizzi,  Freiburg |  Alice Reil,  Munich |  Sarah Ema Friedland,  New York City |  Paul Mahony,  Manchester |  Tommy Cheemou Yang,  New York City |  David Bunn,  Vancouver | 

12 June 2023

Visual storytelling: Can comics help us advance solutions to our social and environmental challenges? Yes
José Alaniz,  Longbranch |  Steven Barnes,  Los Angeles |  Emmalee Barnett,  Spokane |  Rebecca Bratspies,  New York |  Deianira D'Antoni,  Catania |  Cecilia de Sanctis,  Rome |  Marta Delas,  Madrid |  Darren Fisher,  Mödling |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Ivan Gajos,  Manchester |  David Haley,  Walney Island |  John Hyatt,  Liverpool |  Charles Johnson,  Seattle |  Eva Kunzová,  Bratislava |  Charlie LaGreca Velasco,  Milano |  Lucie Lederhendler,  Brandon |  David Maddox,  New York |  Joe Magee,  Stroud |  Heeyoung Park,  Strasbourg |  Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman,  College Park |  Mike Rosen,  Portland |  Mark Russell,  Portland |  Lucía Sánchez,  Madrid |  Clifford Thompson,  Brooklyn |  Chris Uttley,  Stroud |  Shannon Wheeler,  Portland |  Midori Yajima,  Rome | 

18 March 2023

A picture of two people sitting on chairs on a stage
Paying Attention to Make Art: Twenty-nine voices on the legacy of Newton and Helen Mayer Harrison
Salma Arastu,  Berkeley |  Brandon Ballengée,  Arnaudville |  Ruby Barnett,  Santa Cruz |  Barbara Benish,  Santa Cruz |  Lewis Biggs,  Shanghai |  Reiko Goto Collins,  Glasgow |  Tim Collins,  Glasgow |  David Haley,  Walney Island |  Janeil Engelstad,  Tacoma |  Les Firbank,  Leeds |  Cathy Fitzgerald,  Hollywood forest |  Chris Fremantle,  Ayrshire, Scotland |  Johan Gielis,  Antwerpen |  Terike Haapoja,  New York |  John Hyatt,  Liverpool |  Petra Kruse,  Bonn |  JoAnn Kuchera-Morin,  Santa Barbara |  Aviva Rahmani,  New York |  Simon Read,  London |  Leslie Ryan,  Santa Cruz |  Jamie Saunders,  Leeds |  Richard Scott,  Liverpool |  Ranil Senanayake,  Davis |  Richard Sharland,  Altarnun |  Beth Stephens,  Santa Cruz |  Ruth Wallen,  San Diego |  Mali Wu,  Kaohsiung |  Yangkura,   |  Kai Reschke,  Bonn |  Anne Douglas,  Aberdeen |  Tatiana Sizonenko,  San Diego |  Helen & Newton Harrison,   | 

12 December 2022

We have had trouble getting people’s attention about climate change. Some climate activists glued themself to a van Gogh painting (and others). Is this helpful?
Marina Alberti,  Seattle |  Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Bibi Calderaro,  New York |  M'Lisa Colbert,  Montreal |  Marcus Collier,  Dublin |  Tim Collins,  Glasgow |  Stuart Connop,  London |  Edith de Guzman,  Los Angeles |  Ben Davis,  Brandon |  Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Alysha Farrell,  Brandon |  Chisai Fujita,  Kyoto |  Sumetee Gajjar,  Cape Town |  Nancy Grimm,  Phoenix |  David Haley,  Walney Island |  Cecilia Herzog,  Rio de Janeiro |  Cathel Hutchison,  Glasgow |  Pantea Karimi,  San Jose |  Christopher Kennedy,  San Francisco |  Robin Lasser,  Oakland |  Lucie Lederhendler,  Brandon |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Krystal C. Mack,  Baltimore |  David Maddox,  New York |  Claudia Misteli,  Barcelona |  Nea Pakarinen,  Freiburg |  Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman,  College Park |  Cristián Pietrapiana,  New York |  Rob Pirani,  New York |  Baixo Ribeiro,  São Paulo |  Martin Rokitzki,  Freiburg |  Andrew Rudd,  New York City |  Tanya Te Miringa Te Rorarangi Ruka,  Te Whānganui-a-Tara |  Peter Schoonmaker,  Beirut |  Ania Upstill,  New York |  Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro,  Paris |  Domenico Vito,  Milan | 

25 November 2022

An illustration of people with their arms up walking next to a truck
Nature for All: How can we uproot structural inequity in the provision of nature and its benefits to people?
Samarth Das,  Mumbai |  Marthe Derkzen,  Arnhem/Nijmegen |  Joost Gerretschen,  Arnhem/Gelderland |  Rob McDonald,  Basel |  Praneeta Mudaliar,  Mississauga |  Stephanie Pincetl,  Los Angeles |  Rebecca Rutt,  Copenhagen |  Henriette Steiner,  Copenhagen |  Huda Shaka,  Dubai |  Ebony Walden,  Richmond |  María Mejía,  Bogotá |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Rebecca Bratspies,  New York | 

22 September 2022

Artists and scientists that co-create regenerative projects in cities?
Yes, please. But how?

Funmi Adeniyi,  Cape Town |  Madhur Anand,  Guelph |  Eduardo Blanco,  Senlis |  Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  Paul Currie,  Cape Town |  Edith de Guzman,  Los Angeles |  David Haley,  Walney Island |  Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Chris Fremantle,  Ayrshire, Scotland |  Sarah Hines,  Washington |  Keitaro Ito,  Fukutsu City |  Dave Kendal,  Hobart |  Christopher Kennedy,  San Francisco |  Nikki Lindt,  New York |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  David Maddox,  New York |  Daniel McCormick,  San Francisco Bay Area |  Mary Miss,  New York City |  Mary O’Brien,  San Francisco Bay Area |  Marguerite Perret,  Topeka |  Cristián Pietrapiana,  New York |  Baixo Ribeiro,  São Paulo |  Eric Sanderson,  New York |  Wendy Wischer,  Connecticut |  Ania Upstill,  New York | 

21 March 2022

Three pink tulip flowers attached to bulbs and roots on a white background, Sixteen Miles Out,
Can we enable better decision-making when it comes to urban plant selection and preparation? Does urban ecology and the horticulture industry need to be better engaged with each other?
María Aragão,   |  Timothy Blatch,  Cape Town |  Amy Bowen,  Lincoln |  Luis Camargo,   |  Martha Fajardo,  Bogota |  Andrew Grant,  Bath |  Richard Hallett,   |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Nikara Mahadeo,  Cape Town |  Peter Massini,   |  Darby McGrath,  Lincoln |  Matthew Morrow,  New York |  Max Piana,  Amherst |  Ryan Plummer,  St. Catharines |  Mohan Rao,  Bangalore |  Keith Sacre,  Cambridgeshire |  Georgia Silvera Seamans,  New York City |  Ian Shears,  Melbourne |  Audrey Timm,  Chilton |  Ernita van Wyk,  Cape Town |  Mike Wells,  Bath | 

7 September 2021

How can nature-based solutions (NBS) provide the basis for a nature-based economy?
John Bell,  Brussels |  Guilherme Castagna,  São Paulo |  Emre Eren,  London |  Susanne Formanek,  Wien |  Tiago Fritas,  Pico |  Rhoda Gwayinga,  Kampala |  Simon Gresset,  Freiburg |  Eduardo Guerrero,  Bogotá |  Mamuka Gvilava,  Tbilisi |  Cecilia Herzog,  Rio de Janeiro |  Antonia Lorenzo,  Málaga |  David Maddox,  New York |  Rupesh Madlani,  London |  Taícia H. N. Marques,  Lima |  Ana Mitić-Radulović,  Belgrade |  Hans Müller,  Kornwestheim |  Isaac Mugumbule,  Kampala |  David Simon,  London |  Audrey Timm,  Chilton |  Ellie Tonks,  Amsterdam |  Naomi Tsur,  Jerusalem |  Domenico Vito,  Milan | 

25 August 2021

Innovations from the Post-COVID-19 City CoLab Challenge
Amal al Balushi,  Aachen |  Georgia Bertagna,  Parma |  Thomas Beery,  Kristianstad |  Charlotte Britton,  Munich |  Jenna Cardinale,  New York |  Davide Geneletti,  Trento |  Eva Hoppmanns,  Aachen |  Dana Johnston,  Munich |  Vanessa Kucharski,  Aachen |  Audrey Leung,  Munich |  Mareeya Mitmana,  Munich |  Siân Moxon,  London |  Lea Schwab,  Aachen |  Colm O’Driscoll,  Dublin |  Anneliese Zausner-Mannes,  New York | 

7 June 2021

Beyond equity: What does an anti-racist urban ecology look like?
Julian Agyeman,  Medford |  Isabelle Michele Sophie Anguelovski,  Barcelona |  Anna Livia Brand,  Berkeley |  Jean-Marie Cishahayo,  Ottawa |  CJ Goulding,  Teaneck |  Morgan Grove,  Baltimore |  Derek Hyra,  Washington |  Laura Landau,  New York |  María Mejía,  Bogotá |  Polly Moseley,  Liverpool |  Amanda Phillips de Lucas,  Baltimore |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Charles Prempeh,  Accra |  Malini Ranganathan,  Washington |  Baixo Ribeiro,  São Paulo |  Amrita Sen,  Bangalore |  Suné Stassen,  Cape Town |  Abdallah Tawfic,  Cairo |  Cindy Thomashow,  Seattle |  Hita Unnikrishnan,  Warwick |  Ebony Walden,  Richmond |  Ibrahim Wallee,  Accra |  Diana Wiesner,  Bogota | 

30 April 2021

What actions are successful in activating cities to implement urban biodiversity conservation policies, campaigns, and projects?
Eric Butler,  Portland |  Georgina Cullman,  New York |  Eduardo Guerrero,  Bogotá |  Hayato Hasegawa,  Fukuoka |  Clara Holmes,  New York |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Keitaro Ito,  Fukutsu City |  Mahito Kamada,  Tokushima |  Marit Larson,  New York |  Gilles Lecuir,  Paris |  Kevin Lunzalu,  Nairobi |  Colin Meurk,  Christchurch |  Matthew Morrow,  New York |  Siobhán McQuaid,  Dublin |  Tomomi Sudo,  Fukuoka |  Pamela Zevit,  Surrey | 

20 November 2020

We Need an Ethical Code for Water
Gloria Aponte,  Medellín |  Katherine Berthon,  Melbourne |  Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Paul Currie,  Cape Town |  PK Das,  Mumbai |  Meredith Dobbie,  Victoria |  Casey Furlong,  Melbourne |  Andrew Grant,  Bath |  Gary Grant,  London |  Juliana Landolfi de Carvalho,  Curitiba |  Tom Liptan,  Portland |  Sareh Moosavi,  Brussels |  Harini Nagendra,  Bangalore |  Diane Pataki,  Salt Lake City |  André Stephan,  Brussels |  Peter Schoonmaker,  Beirut |  Naomi Tsur,  Jerusalem |  Mario Yanez,  Lisbon | 

30 September 2020

What’s Next? Learning From Nature During Lockdown
Elmaz Abinader,  Oakland |  Jane Ingram Allen,  Santa Rosa |  Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Anne Brochot,  Voulx |  Joyce Garvey,  Dublin |  Leslie Gauthier,  New York |  Frances Mezzetti,  Dublin |  Munira Naqui,  Portland | 

4 July 2020

How is COVID-19 affecting caring for and researching urban ecology?
Christina Breed,  Pretoria |  Mark Champion,  Wigan |  Joy Clancy,  Twente |  Ian Douglas,  Manchester |  Pete Frost,  Cardiff |  Lincoln Garland,  Bath |  David Haley,  Walney Island |  Jane Houghton,  York |  Yun Hye HWANG,  Singapore |  Christian Isendahl,  Gothenburg |  Philip James,  Salford |  Sarah Lindley,  Manchester |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Nancy McIntyre,  Lubbock |  Camilo Ordóñez,  Melbourne |  Stephan Pauleit,  Munich |  Joe Ravetz,  Manchester |  Graham Rook,  London |  Richard Salisbury,  Manchester |  Alan Scott,  London |  Richard Scott,  Liverpool |  Monica Smith,  Los Angeles |  Marcelo Lopes de Souza,  Rio de Janeiro |  Miriam Stark,  Honolulu |  Katalin Szlavecz,  Baltimore |  Joanne Tippett,  Manchester |  Piotr Tryjanowski,  Poznan |  Tim Webb,  London |  Mike Wells,  Bath |  Phil Wheater,  Manchester | 

1 June 2020

What is the status and outlook for forested natural areas in your city? What actions are needed to help them thrive?
Novem Auyeung,  New York |  Weston Brinkley,  Seattle |  Sarah Charlop-Powers,  New York |  Lisa Ciecko,  Seattle |  James Duncan,  Miami |  Matthew Freer,  Chicago |  Keith Mars,  Austin |  Joseph McCarthy,  Chicago |  Karen Miller,  Chicago |  Sophie Plitt,  New York |  Clara Pregitzer,  New York |  Lydia Scott,  Chicago |  Michael Yadrick,  Seattle | 

3 May 2020

Covid has upended all the normal routines in our lives and work. How do you imagine you might be changed by it, both professionally, but also personally as you negotiate a new post-virus “normal”?
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Isabelle Michele Sophie Anguelovski,  Barcelona |  Janice Astbury,  Buenos Aires |  Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  Sarah Charlop-Powers,  New York |  Katrine Claassens,  Montreal |  M'Lisa Colbert,  Montreal |  Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Marcus Collier,  Dublin |  Paul Currie,  Cape Town |  Samarth Das,  Mumbai |  Gillian Dick,  Glasgow |  Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Emilio Fantin,  Milan |  Todd Forest,  New York |  Andrew Grant,  Bath |  Eduardo Guerrero,  Bogotá |  Bram Gunther,  New York |  Dagmar Haase,  Berlin |  Annegret Haase,  Leipzig |  Fadi Hamdan,  Athens |  Cecilia Herzog,  Rio de Janeiro |  Alex Herzog,  Rio de Janeiro |  Matthew Jensen,  New York |  Panagiota Kotsila,  Barcelona |  Gilles Lecuir,  Paris |  Nina-Marie Lister,  Toronto |  Kevin Lunzalu,  Nairobi |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Yvonne Lynch,  Riyadh |  David Maddox,  New York  |  Antonia Machado,  Portland |  Francois Mancebo,  Paris |  Rob McDonald,  Basel |  Brian McGrath,  New York |  Siobhán McQuaid,  Dublin |  Ragene Palma,  London |  Diane Pataki,  Salt Lake City |  Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman,  College Park |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Mary Rowe,  Toronto |  Andrew Rudd,  New York City |  Eric Sanderson,  New York |  Olivier Scheffer,  Bordeaux |  Huda Shaka,  Dubai |  Laura Shillington,  Montreal |  Elisa Silva,  Caracas |  David Simon,  London |  Mary Hall Surface,  Washington |  Erika Svendsen,  New York |  Abdallah Tawfic,  Cairo |  Christine Thuring,  Vancouver |  Naomi Tsur,  Jerusalem |  Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro,  Paris |  Andreas Weber,  Berlin |  Diana Wiesner,  Bogota |  Darlene Wolnik,  New Orleans |  Xin Yu,  Shenzhen |  Carly Ziter,  Montreal | 

1 April 2020

TNOC Summit Dialogue: How can professors help mobilize knowledge?
Thomas Elmqvist,  Stockholm |  Nina-Marie Lister,  Toronto |  David Maddox,  New York  |  Francois Mancebo,  Paris | 

30 January 2020

TNOC Summit Dialogue: How can we provide living space for people?
Samarth Das,  Mumbai |  Elisa Silva,  Caracas |  David Simon,  London |  Xin Yu,  Shenzhen | 

20 December 2019

TNOC Summit Dialogue: Demanding access to green space as a right for everyone
Isabelle Michele Sophie Anguelovski,  Barcelona |  Adrian Benepe,  New York |  Samarth Das,  Mumbai |  David Maddox,  New York  | 

30 November 2019

National Park City: What if your city were a National Park City, analogous to what London created? What it would be like? What would it take to accomplish?
Alison Barnes,  London |  Méliné Baronian,  Versailles |  Maud Bernard-Verdier,  Berlin |  Ioana Biris,  Amsterdam |  Timothy Blatch,  Cape Town |  Geoff Canham,  Tauranga |  Samarth Das,  Mumbai |  Gillian Dick,  Glasgow |  Luis Antonio Roman Diez,  Merida |  Eduardo Guerrero,  Bogotá |  Sue Hilder,  Glasgow |  Mike Houck,  Portland |  Sophie Lokatis,  Berlin |  Aletta Bonn,  Berlin |  Scott Martin,  Louisville |  Sebastian Miguel,  Buenos Aires |  Gareth Moore-Jones,  Ohope Beach |  Rob Pirani,  New York |  Daniel Raven-Ellison,  London |  Tom Rozendal,  Breda |  Snorri Sigurdsson,  Reykjavík |  Lynn Wilson,  Vancouver | 

31 October 2019

Why are we doing walking tours in African cities? To help us see and engage with small scale urbanism and urban tinkering.
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Celestine Collins,  Kisumu |  Julie Goodness,  Stockholm |  Jessica Kavonic,  Cape Town |  Odhiambo Ken K'oyooh,  Kisumu |  Viveca Mellegård,  Stockholm |  Benard Ojwang,  Kisumu |  Aiuba Oliveira,  Nacala |  Semakula Samson,  Entebbe |  Ellika Hermansson Torok,  Stockholm |  Thandeka Tshabalala,  Cape Town | 

11 October 2019

How is the concept of “stewardship” and “care for local environments” expressed around the world?
Nathalie Blanc,  Paris |  Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  Zorina Colasero,  Puerto Princesa City |  Kirk Deitschman,  Waimānalo |  Johan Enqvist,  Cape Town |  Emilio Fantin,  Milan |  Artur Jerzy Filip,  Warsaw |  Carlo Gomez,  Puerto Princesa City |  Cecilia Herzog,  Rio de Janeiro |  Michelle Johnson,  New York City |  Kevin Lunzalu,  Nairobi |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Romina Magtanong,  Puerto Princesa City |  Heather McMillen,  Honolulu |  Ranjini Murali,  Bangalore |  Harini Nagendra,  Bangalore |  Ferus Niyomwungeri,  Kigali |  Ragene Palma,  London |  Beatriz Ruizpalacios,   |  Huda Shaka,  Dubai |  Erika Svendsen,  New York |  Abdallah Tawfic,  Cairo |  Diana Wiesner,  Bogota |  Xin Yu,  Shenzhen | 

30 August 2019

The spirit of Dada welcomes you to TNOC Summit: What is the nature of the city of our dreams?
Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  Marcus Collier,  Dublin |  Katie Coyne,  Austin |  Samarth Das,  Mumbai |  Gillian Dick,  Glasgow |  Thomas Elmqvist,  Stockholm |  Cecilia Herzog,  Rio de Janeiro |  Jessica Kavonic,  Cape Town |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Timon McPhearson,  New York |  Andrew Rudd,  New York City |  Chantal van Ham,  Brussels | 

28 June 2019

What prevents us from creating cities that are better for people and nature? It doesn’t seem like a lack of knowledge—don’t we have enough research knowledge to act on better policy? So, what is the impediment?
Adrian Benepe,  New York |  Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Sumetee Gajjar,  Cape Town |  Russell Galt,  Edinburgh |  Rob McDonald,  Basel |  Huda Shaka,  Dubai |  Vivek Shandas,  Portland |  Philip Silva,  New York |  Naomi Tsur,  Jerusalem | 

28 February 2019

What I mean when I talk about collaboration. What is a specific experience collaborating on a project with someone from a different discipline or “way of knowing”?
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  Gillian Dick,  Glasgow |  Lonny Grafman,  Arcata |  Eduardo Guerrero,  Bogotá |  Britt Gwinner,  Washington |  Keitaro Ito,  Fukutsu City |  Madhusudan Katti,  Raleigh |  Jessica Kavonic,  Cape Town |  Yvonne Lynch,  Riyadh |  Mary Mattingly,  Brooklyn |  Brian McGrath,  New York |  Tischa Muñoz-Erickson,  Río Piedras, Puerto Rico |  Ragene Palma,  London |  Diane Pataki,  Salt Lake City |  Wilson Ramirez Hernandez,  Bogotá |  Bruce Roll,  Portland |  David Simon,  London |  Tomomi Sudo,  Fukuoka |  Dimitra Xidous,  Dublin | 

29 January 2019

What did you read in 2018 that moved you?
Isabelle Michele Sophie Anguelovski,  Barcelona |  Marc Barra,  Paris |  Katie Coyne,  Austin |  Samarth Das,  Mumbai |  Marcelo Lopes de Souza,  Rio de Janeiro |  Artur Jerzy Filip,  Warsaw |  Claudia Luna Fuentes,  Saltillo |  Russell Galt,  Edinburgh |  Ursula Heise,  Los Angeles |  Toby Kent,  Melbourne |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Pascal Mittermaier,  Boston |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Huda Shaka,  Dubai |  David Simon,  London |  Jay Valgora,  New York |  Chantal van Ham,  Brussels | 

27 November 2018

Our goal is to empower cities to plan for a positive natural future. What is one specific action that should be taken to achieve this goal?
Graciela Arosemena,  Panama City |  Marcus Collier,  Dublin |  Marlies Craig,  Durban |  Samarth Das,  Mumbai |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Sumetee Gajjar,  Cape Town |  Gary Grant,  London |  Eduardo Guerrero,  Bogotá |  Fadi Hamdan,  Athens |  Scott Kellogg,  Albany |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Yvonne Lynch,  Riyadh |  Emily Maxwell,  New York |  Colin Meurk,  Christchurch |  Ragene Palma,  London |  Jennifer Rae Pierce,  Vancouver |  Mary Rowe,  Toronto |  Luis Sandoval,  San José | 

5 October 2018

As a landscape architect, how do you interpret the word “biodiversity”? How does this meaning find expression in your design?
Gloria Aponte,  Medellín |  AnaLuisa Artesi,  Buenos Aires |  Andrew Grant,  Bath |  Yun Hye HWANG,  Singapore |  Maria E Ignatieva,  Perth |  Jason King,  Portland |  Victoria Marshall,  Singapore |  Daniel Phillips,  Lubbock |  Mohan Rao,  Bangalore |  Sylvie Salles,  Paris |  Kevin Sloan,  Dallas-Fort Worth |  Diana Wiesner,  Bogota | 

14 July 2018

Artists in Conversation with Water in Cities
Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Antonio José García Cano,  Murcia |  Katrine Claassens,  Montreal |  Claudia Luna Fuentes,  Saltillo |  Nazlı Gürlek,  Istanbul & Palo Alto |  Basia Irland,  Albuquerque |  Robin Lasser,  Oakland |  Mary Mattingly,  Brooklyn |  Marguerite Perret,  Topeka |  Bonnie Sherk,  San Francisco |  Nadia Vadori-Gauthier,  Paris |  Aloïs Yang,  Prague | 

30 April 2018

An urban planner and an urban ecologist walk into a bar. They chat about how (and maybe whether) “ecology” could play a bigger role in planning…
Will Allen,  Chapel Hill |  Juan Azcarate,  Bogotá |  Amy Chomowicz,  Portland |  Katie Coyne,  Austin |  Georgina Cullman,  New York |  PK Das,  Mumbai |  David Goode,  Bath |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Elsa Limasset,  Orléans |  Ragene Palma,  London |  Diane Pataki,  Salt Lake City |  Gil Penha-Lopes,  Lisbon |  Lauren Smalls-Mantey,  New York | 

20 February 2018

Smart cities are coming. Can they be as much about nature, health, and wellbeing as traffic flows, crime detection, and evermore efficient provision of utilities?
Helga Fassbinder,  Amsterdam-Vienna |  Gary Grant,  London |  Pratik Mishra,  London |  Seema Mundoli,  Bangalore |  Harini Nagendra,  Bangalore |  Vishal Narain,  Gurugram |  Eric Sanderson,  New York |  Huda Shaka,  Dubai |  Shaleen Singhal,  New Delhi | 

29 January 2018

What is one thing every ecologist should know about urban ecology?
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Erik Andersson,  Stockholm |  Marc Barra,  Paris |  Nathalie Blanc,  Paris |  Marcus Collier,  Dublin |  Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Niki Frantzeskaki,  Utrecht |  Dagmar Haase,  Berlin |  Steven Handel,  New Brunswick |  Nadja Kabisch,  Hannover |  Timon McPhearson,  New York |  Harini Nagendra,  Bangalore |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Philip Silva,  New York |  Mike Wells,  Bath |  Weiqi Zhou,  Beijing | 

13 November 2017

Let go of some urban domestication: How would you convince the mayor to re-wild the city?
Juan Azcarate,  Bogotá |  Keith Bowers,  Charleston |  Katrine Claassens,  Montreal |  Don Dearborn,  Lewiston |  Ian Douglas,  Manchester |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Lincoln Garland,  Bath |  Amy Hahs,  Ballarat |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Keitaro Ito,  Fukutsu City |  Louise Lezy-Bruno,  Paris |  Jala Makhzoumi,  Beirut |  Juliana Montoya,  Bogota |  Daniel Phillips,  Lubbock |  Mohan Rao,  Bangalore |  Kevin Sloan,  Dallas-Fort Worth |  Kati Vierikko,  Helsinki | 

11 October 2017

Artists in Conversation with Air in Cities
Carmen Bouyer,  Paris |  Tim Collins,  Glasgow |  Karahan Kadrman,  Istanbul |  Maggie Lin,  Hong Kong |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Jennifer Monson,  Urbana |  Fanny Retsek,  San Jose |  Julia Stern,  Paris |  Cecilia Vicuña,  Santiago & New York | 

18 September 2017

Ecosystems for everyone: Who should have access to the myriad benefits of ecosystem services and urban nature? Everyone. Does everyone? No. How will we achieve this moral imperative?
Isabelle Michele Sophie Anguelovski,  Barcelona |  Georgina Avlonitis,  Cape Town |  Julie Bargmann,  Charlottesville |  Nathalie Blanc,  Paris |  PK Das,  Mumbai |  Marthe Derkzen,  Arnhem/Nijmegen |  Maggie Scott Greenfield,  New York |  Fadi Hamdan,  Athens |  Nadja Kabisch,  Hannover |  Jim Labbe,  Portland |  Francois Mancebo,  Paris |  Harini Nagendra,  Bangalore |  Flaminia Paddeu,  Paris |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Andrew Rudd,  New York City |  Suraya Scheba,  Cape Town |  Marcelo Lopes de Souza,  Rio de Janeiro |  Hita Unnikrishnan,  Warwick |  Diana Wiesner,  Bogota |  Pengfei XIE,  Beijing | 

16 August 2017

Imagine an “ecological certification” for urban design. What are such a certification’s key elements?
Ankia Bormans,  Cape Town |  Katie Coyne,  Austin |  Sarah Dooling,  Austin/Boston |  Nigel Dunnett,  Sheffield |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Sarah Hinners,  Salt Lake City |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Jason King,  Portland |  Marit Larson,  New York |  Nina-Marie Lister,  Toronto |  Travis Longcore,  Los Angeles |  Colin Meurk,  Christchurch |  Diane Pataki,  Salt Lake City |  Mohan Rao,  Bangalore |  Aditya Sood,  Delhi | 

30 June 2017

Are cities ecosystems—analogous to natural ones—of nature, infrastructure and people? Does thinking about cities in this way help us think about urban design?
Marina Alberti,  Seattle |  Erik Andersson,  Stockholm |  Sarah Dooling,  Austin/Boston |  Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Thomas Elmqvist,  Stockholm |  Nancy Grimm,  Phoenix |  Dagmar Haase,  Berlin |  Dominique Hes,  Melbourne |  Kristina Hill,  Berkeley |  Madhusudan Katti,  Raleigh |  Francois Mancebo,  Paris |  Clifford Ochs,  Oxford |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Stephanie Pincetl,  Los Angeles |  Rob Pirani,  New York |  Richard Register,  Berkeley |  Eric Sanderson,  New York |  Alexis Schaffler,  Berkeley/Johannesburg/Cape Town |  Vivek Shandas,  Portland |  David Simon,  London |  Jane Toner,  Melbourne |  Yolanda van Heezik,  Dunedin |  Ken Yeang,  Kuala Lumpur |  David Maddox,  New York | 

8 May 2017

To whom does a city’s nature belong? Is it a common pool resource, or a public good? And who decides?
Amita Baviskar,  Delhi |  Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  James Connolly,  Barcelona |  Sheila Foster,  Washington, DC |  Phil Ginsburg,  San Francisco |  Jeff Hou,  Seattle |  Marianne Krasny,  Ithaca |  Mary Mattingly,  Brooklyn |  Oona Morrow,  Berlin |  Harini Nagendra,  Bangalore |  Raul Pacheco-Vega,  Aguascalientes |  Michael Sarbanes,  Baltimore |  Philip Silva,  New York |  Diana Wiesner,  Bogota | 

27 March 2017

What are we trying to accomplish with biophilic cities? What are ambitious goals and targets, and measures of success?
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Tim Beatley,  Charlottesville |  Lena Chan,  Singapore |  Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Ian Douglas,  Manchester |  Dusty Gedge,  London |  David Goode,  Bath |  Bram Gunther,  New York |  Chris Ives,  Nottingham |  Tania Katzschner,  Cape Town |  Steve Maslin,  Bristol |  Peter Newman,  Perth |  Phil Roös,  Geelong |  Eric Sanderson,  New York |  Jana Söderlund,  Perth |  Fleur Timmer,  Bristol |  Chantal van Ham,  Brussels |  Mike Wells,  Bath |  Ken Yeang,  Kuala Lumpur | 

24 January 2017

You say po-TAY-to. What ecologists and landscape architects don’t get about each other, but ought to.
Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Maria E Ignatieva,  Perth |  Amy Hahs,  Ballarat |  Jürgen Breuste,  Salzburg |  Susannah Drake,  New York City |  Marcus Hedblom,  Uppsala |  Andrew Grant,  Bath |  Mike Wells,  Bath |  Steven Handel,  New Brunswick |  Diane Pataki,  Salt Lake City |  Ian MacGregor-Fors,  Xalapa |  Anne Trumble,  Los Angeles |  Christine Thuring,  Vancouver |  Kevin Sloan,  Dallas-Fort Worth |  Gloria Aponte,  Medellín |  Nina-Marie Lister,  Toronto |  Sarah Hinners,  Salt Lake City |  AnaLuisa Artesi,  Buenos Aires |  Jala Makhzoumi,  Beirut |  Jason King,  Portland |  Yun Hye HWANG,  Singapore |  Danielle Dagenais,  Montreal |  Mary Cadenasso,  Davis |  Veronica Fabio,  Buenos Aires |  Peter Werner,  Darmstadt | 

6 November 2016

Resilience isn’t only about infrastructure. How can we better support community-based environmental stewardship in readiness, response, and recovery from disturbance?
Weston Brinkley,  Seattle |  Katerina Elias,  São Paulo |  Sumetee Gajjar,  Cape Town |  Jonathan Halfon,  New York City |  Heather McMillen,  Honolulu |  Luciana Nery,  Rio de Janeiro |  Raul Pacheco-Vega,  Aguascalientes |  Renae Reynolds,  New York City |  Hita Unnikrishnan,  Warwick |  Paula Villagra,  Valdivia |  Karen Zumach,  Minneapolis | 

11 October 2016

Habitat III is finally a reality. From your perspective, what would be the single most important tangible outcome (not output) of the event—short or long term—and what will it take to achieve this outcome?
Yunus Arikan,  Bonn |  Xuemei Bai,  Canberra |  Genie Birch,  Philadelphia & New York |  Maruxa Cardama,  Brussels |  Bharat Dahiya,  Bangkok |  PK Das,  Mumbai |  David Dodman,  London |  William Dunbar,  Tokyo |  Anjali Mahendra,  Chapel Hill & New Delhi |  Jose Puppim,  São Paulo |  David Satterthwaite,  London |  Huda Shaka,  Dubai |  David Simon,  London |  Pengfei XIE,  Beijing |  Lorena Zárate,  Ottawa | 

25 September 2016

How can we make urban nature and its value more apparent, more “visible” to people?
Simone Borelli,  Rome |  Sarah Charlop-Powers,  New York |  Marcus Collier,  Dublin |  Sven Eberlein,  San Francisco |  David Goode,  Bath |  Leen Gorissen,  Antwerp |  Cecilia Herzog,  Rio de Janeiro |  Seth Magle,  Chicago |  Polly Moseley,  Liverpool |  Ragene Palma,  London |  Jennifer Sánchez,  San José |  Richard Scott,  Liverpool |  Chantal van Ham,  Brussels |  Gavin Van Horn,  Chicago |  Mark Weckel,  New York |  Mike Wetter,  Portland |  Niki Frantzeskaki,  Utrecht |  Hastings Chikoko,  Johannesburg | 

14 August 2016

What are the unifying elements of an urban ecology of the Global South and geographic south? Are they different than those in the north?
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Olga Barbosa,  Valdivia |  Timothy Bonebrake,  Hong Kong |  Bharat Dahiya,  Bangkok |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Sabina Caula,  Ibarra, Ecuador |  Shuaib Lwasa,  Kampala |  Fadi Hamdan,  Athens |  Yvonne Lynch,  Riyadh |  Colin Meurk,  Christchurch |  Sue Parnell,  Cape Town |  Steward Pickett,  Poughkeepsie |  Luis Sandoval,  San José |  Seth Schindler,  Sheffield |  Tan Puay Yok,  Singapore | 

30 June 2016

Urban agriculture has many benefits. Is one of them a contribution to urban sustainability?
Jane Battersby,  Cape Town |  Katrin Bohn,  Brighton |  Christopher Bryant,  Montreal |  Easther Chigumira,  Harare |  Evan Fraser,  Guelph |  Kelly Hodgins,  Guelph |  Patrick Hurley,  Collegeville, PA |  Francois Mancebo,  Paris |  Idah Mbengo,  Harare |  Innisfree McKinnon,  Menomonie |  Leslie McLees,  Eugene |  Geneviève Metson,  Vancouver |  Navin Ramankutty,  Vancouver |  Kristin Reynolds,  New York City |  Esther Sanyé-Mengual,  Bologna |  Shaleen Singhal,  New Delhi |  Kathrin Specht,  Müncheberg |  Naomi Tsur,  Jerusalem |  Andre Viljoen,  Brighton |  Claudia Visoni,  São Paulo | 

28 May 2016

Common threads: connections among the ideas of Jane Jacobs and Elinor Ostrom, and their relevance to urban socio-ecology
Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Johan Enqvist,  Cape Town |  Sheila Foster,  Washington, DC |  Lisa Gansky,  San Francisco |  Mathieu Hélie,  Montréal |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Michelle Johnson,  New York City |  Marianne Krasny,  Ithaca |  David Maddox,  New York |  Michael Mehaffy,  Portland |  Harini Nagendra,  Bangalore |  Raul Pacheco-Vega,  Aguascalientes |  Mary Rowe,  Toronto |  Alex Russ,  Ithaca |  Laura Shillington,  Montreal |  Anne Trumble,  Los Angeles |  Arjen Wals,  Wageningen |  Abigail York,  Tempe | 

30 April 2016

Visions of resilience: Eighteen artists say or show something in response to the word “resilience”
Juan Carlos Arroyo,  Bogotá |  David Brooks,  New York City |  Katrine Claassens,  Montreal |  Emilio Fantin,  Milan |  Ganzeer,  Los Angeles |  Lloyd Godman,  Melbourne |  Fran Ilich,  New York City |  Frida Larios,  Antiguo Cuzcatlán, Copán, and Washington |  Todd Lester,  Säo Paulo |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Mary Mattingly,  Brooklyn |  David Maddox,  New York |  E. J. McAdams,  New York City |  Mary Miss,  New York City |  Edna Peres,  Johannesburg |  Caroline Robinson,  Auckland |  Finzi Saidi,  Pretoria |  Keijiro Suzuki,  Yamaguchi & Nagoya | 

23 March 2016

Graffiti and street art can be controversial, but can also be a medium for voices of social change, protest, or expressions of community desire. What, how, and where are examples of graffiti as a positive force in communities?
Pauline Bullen,  Harare |  Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Emilio Fantin,  Milan |  Ganzeer,  Los Angeles |  Germán Gomez,  Bogotá |  Sidd Joag,  New York City |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  David Maddox,  New York |  Patrice Milillo,  Los Angeles |  Laura Shillington,  Montreal | 

5 March 2016

Landscape initiatives are in operation or in development in many parts of the world. What is key to making them work and be useful? How are they good for cities?
Steve Brown,  Sydney |  Martha Fajardo,  Bogota |  Carla Gonçalves,  Porto, Portugal |  Monica Luengo,  Madrid |  Claudia Misteli,  Barcelona |  Osvaldo Moreno,  Santiago |  Liana Jansen,  Cape Town |  Laura Spinadel,  Vienna |  Kenneth Taylor,  Canberra |  Menno Welling,  Zomba | 

20 January 2016

Can cities save bees? How can urban habitats be made to serve pollinator conservation? How can that story be better told?
Katherine Baldock,  Bristol |  Alison Benjamin,  London |  Sarah Bergmann,  Seattle |  Mark Goddard,  Newcastle |  Damon Hall,  St. Louis |  Tina Harrison,  New Brunswick |  Scott MacIvor,  Toronto |  Denise Mouga,  Joinville |  Matt Shardlow,  Peterborough |  Caragh Threlfall,  Melbourne | 

8 December 2015

An explicitly urban Sustainable Development Goal has been adopted by the UN (#11). Now what? Where could it go wrong?
Genie Birch,  Philadelphia & New York |  Ben Bradlow,  Boston |  William Dunbar,  Tokyo |  Peter Head,  London |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Hui Ling Lim,  Prague |  Shuaib Lwasa,  Kampala |  Jose Puppim,  São Paulo |  Andrew Rudd,  New York City |  Karen Seto,  New Haven |  David Simon,  London |  Bolanle Wahab,  Ibadan |  Lorena Zárate,  Ottawa | 

5 November 2015

Green Form and Function versus Green Nativism: In changing urban spaces full of novel ecosystems and natural assemblages, is native purity a viable option?
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Erle Ellis,  Baltimore |  Leonie Fischer,  Berlin |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Madhusudan Katti,  Raleigh |  Ingo Kowarik,  Berlin |  Mark McDonnell,  Melbourne |  Colin Meurk,  Christchurch |  Matt Palmer,  New York City |  Bill Toomey,  Sandy Hook |  Yolanda van Heezik,  Dunedin |  Paula Villagra,  Valdivia | 

29 September 2015

What is the insurance value of urban ecosystems and their services?
Victor Beumer,  Delft |  Henry Booth,  West Chester |  Mitchell Chester,  Miami |  Thomas Elmqvist,  Stockholm |  Alexandros Gasparatos,  Tokyo |  Jaroslav Mysiak,  Venice |  Rob Tinch,  Brussels |  Henrik von Wehrden,  Lüneburg |  Francis Vorhies,  Divonne-les-Bains |  Koko Warner,  Bonn | 

12 August 2015

Why don’t all public buildings have green roofs? Or all large private buildings (e.g. businesses)? Would this be a good idea? What would it take to make it happen and to make it worthwhile?
Maryam Akbarian,  Tehran |  Wolfgang Ansel,  Nürtingen |  Nathalie Baumann,  Zurich |  Michael Berkshire,  Chicago |  Rebecca Bratspies,  New York |  Amy Chomowicz,  Portland |  Andrew Clements,  Corinth |  Karla Dakin,  Denver |  Stuart Gaffin,  New York |  Dusty Gedge,  London |  André Gonçalves,  Goiânia |  Ulrike Grau,  Mexico City |  Angela Loder,  Denver |  Amosh Neupane,  Middlebury |  Matt Palmer,  New York City |  Kerry Ross,  Calgary |  Kaveh,   |  Julie Santos,  London & Buenos Aires |  Kate Scherer,  New York |  Mark Simmons,  Austin |  Kevin Songer,  Jacksonville |  Christine Thuring,  Vancouver | 

30 June 2015

10 scientists and 10 practitioners walk into a bar…what would they talk about? How can research and knowledge generation be co-created to better support practitioners and evidence-based decision making?
Myla Aronson,  New Brunswick |  Georgina Avlonitis,  Cape Town |  Keith Bowers,  Charleston |  Sarah Charlop-Powers,  New York |  Haripriya Gundimeda,  Mumbai |  Bram Gunther,  New York |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Amy Hahs,  Ballarat |  Fadi Hamdan,  Athens |  John Hartig,  Windsor |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Maria E Ignatieva,  Perth |  Michael Jemtrud,  Montreal |  Deborah Lev,  Portland |  Louise Lezy-Bruno,  Paris |  Yvonne Lynch,  Riyadh |  Ian MacGregor-Fors,  Xalapa |  Charlie Nilon,  Columbia |  Diane Pataki,  Salt Lake City |  Jose Puppim,  São Paulo |  Rebecca Salminen Witt,  Detroit |  Eric Sanderson,  New York |  Philip Silva,  New York | 

19 May 2015

Taking “resilience” out of the realm of metaphor. How do you measure resilience in cities? How would you know if your city or your community was resilient?
Keren Bolter,  Fort Lauderdale |  Cezar Busatto,  Porto Alegre |  Lorenzo Chelleri,  Barcelona |  William Dunbar,  Tokyo |  Thomas Elmqvist,  Stockholm |  Antoine Faye,  Dakar |  Richard Friend,  York |  Lance Gunderson,  Atlanta |  Tom Henfrey,  Bristol |  Patricia Holly,  Barcelona and Nairobi |  Dan Lewis,  Barcelona and Nairobi |  Rachna Leveque,  London |  Shuaib Lwasa,  Kampala |  Timon McPhearson,  New York |  Franco Montalto,  Philadelphia and Venice |  Luciana Nery,  Rio de Janeiro |  Henk Ovink,  The Hague |  Elisabeth Peyroux,  Paris |  Catherine Sutherland,  Durban |  Pakamas Thinphanga,  Bangkok |  Claire Weisz,  New York |  Daniel Zarrilli,  New York | 

21 April 2015

Imaging the urban wild: Fourteen photographers and artists show and talk about their work
Joshua Burch,  London |  Emilio Fantin,  Milan |  Mike Feller,  New York City |  Andrés Flajszer,  Barcelona |  Mike Houck,  Portland |  Chris Jordan,  Seattle |  Robin Lasser,  Oakland |  Monika Lawrence,  Bemidji |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  David Maddox,  New York |  Chris Payne,  New York City |  Eric Sanderson,  New York |  Jonathan Stenvall,  Stockholm |  Benjamin Swett,  New York City | 

17 March 2015

Daylighting and restoring urban streams, ponds and wetlands can provide huge ecological and social benefits. Are such restorations “worth it”? What are the pitfalls? How can we demonstrate these benefits and elevate them in the public discourse so that urban wetlands become urban planning priorities?
Adrian Benepe,  New York |  Keith Bowers,  Charleston |  Meredith Dobbie,  Victoria |  Susannah Drake,  New York City |  Herbert Dreiseitl,  Überlingen |  Marit Larson,  New York |  Chan-Won Lee,  Changwon |  Kaitlin Lovell,  Portland |  Alberto Tacón,  Valdivia | 

31 January 2015

Is there such a thing as a “bird friendly city”? What does it look like? What does it not look like? Why bother?
Tim Beatley,  Charlottesville |  Luke Engleback,  Tunbridge Wells |  Dusty Gedge,  London |  David Goode,  Bath |  Madhusudan Katti,  Raleigh |  John Marzluff,  Seattle |  Bongani Mnisi,  Cape Town |  Glenn Phillips,  New York City |  Kaveh,   |  Ken Smith,  New York |  Yolanda van Heezik,  Dunedin |  Maxime Zucca,  Paris | 

6 January 2015

Urban water fronts have typically been sites of heavy development and often are sites of pollution or exclusive access. But they have enormous potential benefits. How can we unlock these benefits for everyone? Are there ecological vs. social vs. economic tradeoffs?
Mitchell Chester,  Miami |  PK Das,  Mumbai |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Andrew Grant,  Bath |  John Hartig,  Windsor |  Roland Lewis,  New York |  Joe Lobko,  Toronto |  Robert Morris-Nunn,  Hobart |  Rob Pirani,  New York |  Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk,  Miami |  Andréa Albuquerque G. Redondo,  Rio de Janeiro |  Bradley Rink,  Cape Town |  Hita Unnikrishnan,  Warwick |  Jay Valgora,  New York |  Mike Wells,  Bath | 

4 December 2014

How can different ways of knowing—and of producing knowledge—be useful for understanding and managing urban ecosystems?
Doreen Adengo,  Kampala |  Adrina Bardekjian,  Toronto |  Sadia Butt Sadia Butt,  Toronto |  Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  Luke Drake,  New Brunswick, New Jersey |  Bryce Dubois,  New York City |  Johan Enqvist,  Cape Town |  Nate Gabriel,  New Brunswick, New Jersey |  Tischa Muñoz-Erickson,  Río Piedras, Puerto Rico |  Camilo Ordóñez,  Melbourne |  Philip Silva,  New York |  James Steenberg,  Toronto | 

2 November 2014

How can art (in all its forms), exhibits, installations and provocations be a better catalyst to raise awareness, support and momentum for urban nature and green spaces? 
Jennifer Adams,  New York City |  Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Marielle Anzelone,  New York City |  Stephanie Britton,  Byron Bay, NSW |  Pauline Bullen,  Harare |  Tim Collins,  Glasgow |  Emilio Fantin,  Milan |  Lloyd Godman,  Melbourne |  Julie Goodness,  Stockholm |  Noel Hefele,  Brooklyn |  Todd Lester,  Säo Paulo |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Elliott Maltby,  New York City |  Mary Miss,  New York City |  Lorenza Perelli,  Chicago |  Stephanie Radok,  Adelaide |  Lisa Terreni,  Wellington |  Shawn Van Sluys,  Guelph | 

5 October 2014

Do urban green corridors “work”? It depends on what we want them to do. What ecological and/or social functions can we realistically expect green corridors to perform in cities? What attributes define them, from a design and performance perspective?
Diego Borrero,  Cali |  Kelly Brenner,  Seattle |  Lena Chan,  Singapore |  Geoffrey Davison,  Singapore |  Susannah Drake,  New York City |  Marcus Hedblom,  Uppsala |  Mark Hostetler,  Gainesville |  Chris Ives,  Nottingham |  Tori Kjer,  Los Angeles |  Kathryn Lwin,  London |  Pierre-André Martin,  Rio de Janeiro |  Colin Meurk,  Christchurch |  Toni Pujol,  Barcelona |  Glenn Stewart,  Christchurch |  Marten Wallberg,  Stockholm |  Na Xiu,  Uppsala & Xi’an |  Irene Guida,  Venice | 

7 September 2014

What is the meaning and role of the “sacred” in the design and management of urban green space and the building of cities that are both green and livable?
Pedro Camarena,  Mexico City |  Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  Jayne Engle,  Montreal |  Emilio Fantin,  Milan |  Mickey Fearn,  Raleigh |  Divya Gopal,  Berlin |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Jimena Martignoni,  Buenos Aires |  Erika Svendsen,  New York |  Maria Tengö,  Stockholm |  Naomi Tsur,  Jerusalem |  Gavin Van Horn,  Chicago |  Shawn Van Sluys,  Guelph |  Diana Wiesner,  Bogota |  Kathleen Wolf,  Seattle |  Mary Wyatt,  Annapolis | 

7 July 2014

How much should we worry about exotic species in urban zones? How do we reduce damage from exotic invasives when management resources are limited? Are there conflicts between management or eradication efforts and building general support for urban biodiversity?
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  David Burg,  New York City |  Mark Davis,  Saint Paul |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Katie Holzer,  Davis |  Peter Head,  London |  Madhusudan Katti,  Raleigh |  Deborah Lev,  Portland |  Timon McPhearson,  New York |  Matt Palmer,  New York City |  Toby Query,  Portland |  Glenn Stewart,  Christchurch |  Peter Werner,  Darmstadt |  Paula Villagra,  Valdivia |  Carmen Silva,  Los Rios | 

9 June 2014

Environmental education in cities focuses on youth and community development, restoring ecosystems, building green infrastructure, and more. But is urban environmental education really anything new? What should its goals and practices look like?
Janice Astbury,  Buenos Aires |  Chankook Kim,  Cheongju, South Korea |  Marianne Krasny,  Ithaca |  Alex Russ,  Ithaca |  Miguel Luna,  Los Angeles |  Pepe Marcos-Iga,  Tucson |  Candice Russell,  Los Angeles |  Soul Shava,  Johannesburg |  Philip Silva,  New York |  Shubhalaxmi Vaylure,  Mumbai | 

12 May 2014

A Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on Cities and Human Settlements is competing for a place among the final United Nations SDGs that will be approved in 2014. If there were an explicitly Urban SDG, what would it look like? What should it say?
Yunus Arikan,  Bonn |  Genie Birch,  Philadelphia & New York |  Ben Bradlow,  Boston |  Maruxa Cardama,  Brussels |  Thomas Elmqvist,  Stockholm |  Julian Goh,  Singapore |  Shuaib Lwasa,  Kampala |  Anjali Mahendra,  Chapel Hill & New Delhi |  Mary Rowe,  Toronto |  Andrew Rudd,  New York City |  Kaveh,   |  Karen Seto,  New Haven |  Lorena Zárate,  Ottawa | 

7 April 2014

The sky is the limit for urban agriculture. Or is it? What can cities hope to get from community gardens and urban agriculture?
Lindsay Campbell,  New York |  Joana Chan & Bryce DuBois,  New York City |  David Dixon,  London |  Alexandre Guertin,  Montreal |  Gareth Haysom,  Cape Town |  Madhumitha Jaganmohan,  Leipzig |  Marianne Krasny,  Ithaca |  Jenga Mwendo,  New Orleans |  Mary Rowe,  Toronto |  Naomi Tsur,  Jerusalem |  Darlene Wolnik,  New Orleans | 

3 March 2014

Many believe that better information on the monetary value of ecosystem services is critical for getting cities to adopt more green infrastructure solutions to issues such as storm water management, heat island, storm surge, etc. True? What are the key knowledge gaps for convincing cities to invest in ecosystems services?
Taylor Britt,  Houston |  Nette Compton,  New York City |  Thomas Elmqvist,  Stockholm |  Mike Houck,  Portland |  Haripriya Gundimeda,  Mumbai |  Patrick M. Lydon,  Daejeon |  Rob McInnes,  London |  Timon McPhearson,  New York |  Franco Montalto,  Philadelphia and Venice |  Steve Whitney,  Seattle | 

3 February 2014

What are the social justice implications of urban ecology, and how can we make sure that “green cities” are not synonymous with “gentrified” or “exclusive” cities?
Harini Nagendra,  Bangalore |  Stephanie Pincetl,  Los Angeles |  Jim Labbe,  Portland |  Rebecca Bratspies,  New York |  PK Das,  Mumbai |  Cecilia Herzog,  Rio de Janeiro |  Charlie Nilon,  Columbia |  Brian McGrath,  New York |  Pengfei XIE,  Beijing | 

6 January 2014

Should programs in architecture, urban design, and landscape architecture require a certain minimum level of learning about the fundamentals of ecology? Why?
Paul Downton,  Melbourne |  Barbara Deutsch,  Washington, DC |  Martha Fajardo,  Bogota |  Noboru Kawashima,  Bogotá |  Norbert Mueller,  Erfurt |  Kaveh,   | 

3 December 2013

Money for urban biodiversity is scarce. What is the single most important idea, program or action any city should undertake to promote biodiversity?
Pippin Anderson,  Cape Town |  Ana Faggi,  Buenos Aires |  Bram Gunther,  New York |  Peter Head,  London |  John Kostyack,  Washington, D.C. |  David Maddox,  New York |  Andre Mader,  Montreal |  Peter Werner,  Darmstadt |